We are a Training Practice
Whiteacres is proud to have been involved in training for many years. All five of our partners are involved in training students or resident doctors (“junior doctors”).
Our current involvement is in:
- Doctors on General Practice training schemes. The main area of our teaching work is with GP trainees. These qualified doctors have done most of their time in hospitals and are with us to hone their general practice skills. Whilst with us they sit examination for the Royal College of General Practitioners.
- Foundation Doctors – these qualified doctors have done one year in hospital medicine after graduating from medical school and are experiencing General Practice to see if it is a career they would like to pursue.
- Third year medical students from the University of Birmingham - We teach a weekly group of 4-6 students. Students are taught about Community Based Medicine and will be consulting (under direct supervision) with patients for the first time, learning how to explore the patient’s problem. There is a focus on understanding the impact of having a long-term condition on a patient and of child development milestones.
All students or doctors in training seeing patients are always under the direct supervision and guidance of one of our senior doctors.
Being a training practice brings several benefits to the practice.
- More doctors and therefore more appointments on offer to patients
- Explaining medical practice reminds us of the essentials and encourages us in our work
- Keeps us up to date with best practice
- Trainees are generally very thorough and knowledgeable
- Gives us better links with the local hospitals as the trainees have recently worked there
- We have had our trainee doctors return to our practice and work for us as full time GP and even becoming GP partner, thus establishing careers for our future GPs!